Become a teacher and remaining an inspirational one.
The Urban Professional Development School of Amsterdam. The NOA is a partnership between innovation schools and teacher training institutes. The NOA PDS programme gives you many opportunities to work closely with teachers, students and pupils.
Essential ingredients in this partnership are the successful integration of theory and practice in its teacher education programs and the ‘field experience’. The placement experience in our teacher education programs go far beyond simply providing ‘experience’ in classrooms. Rather they comprise a developmental socialization process to the profession of teaching. The objective of these experiences is to enable students to become more other oriented towards children, more skillful at transforming content knowledge into forms that are pedagogically powerful, and more knowledgeable about curriculum, educational contexts, and purposes. All skills and competencies that are relevant to modern day teaching. By creating an attractive environment within which to learn, teacher-trainees get the opportunity to become skilled teachers who can excel in all aspects of education.
Training places
View the available training places at our training schools. Is there a vacancy for you?

Do you want to become a teacher with us? We currently have the following vacancies at our partner schools
"Quirky partner schools with a distinct educational concept:
With us you make education! No barrel is filled, but a fire is lit. "
- 3 april 2025
3 april 2025 10:00 - 11:00 - Stichting Kolom, Elsrijkdreef 207B, 1103 MJ Amsterdam, Nederland, CB-8-Vergaderruimte klein (5)
- 9 april 2025
Taalgericht Opleiden (so-traject NOA)
9 april 2025 09:00 - 13:00 - Lumen, Vlaardingenlaan 15 -
Speeddate NOA met hogerejaarsstudenten
9 april 2025 14:30 - 16:00 - online